On 16-02-1988, the Sunnyvale, California witnessed a heartrending Mass incident, named the ‘ESL shooting‘. This tragic event in February highlighted the persistent challenge of gun violence in America. The perpetrator, Former ESL Incorporated employee Richard Farley, aged 39, carried out the attack using a Two semiautomatic handguns, one rifle, two revolvers, two shotguns, resulting in 7 fatalities and 4 injuries, affecting a total of 11 individuals. Occurring in a Workplace, this incident raises critical questions about our society’s approach to public safety, mental health, and the circumstances that led to the shooter having Yes.

The ESL shooting: A Detailed Overview

Date and LocationDate: 16-02-1988 [dd/mm/yyyy]
Location: Sunnyvale, California
Incident TypeType: Mass
Case NameESL shooting
Shooter InformationName: Former ESL Incorporated employee Richard Farley, Age: 39,
Gender: Male, Race: White
Incident SpecificsLocation: Workplace,
Weapon Type: Two semiautomatic handguns, one rifle, two revolvers, two shotguns, Weapon Details: .380 ACP Browning, 9mm Smith & Wesson semiautomatic handguns; Ruger M-77 .22-250 bolt-action rifle with scope; Mossberg 12-gauge pump-action, 12-gauge Benelli semiautomatic shotguns; .357 Magnum Smith & Wesson, .22 Sentinel WMR revolvers,
Weapon Obtained Legally?: Yes
CasualtiesFatalities: 7,
Injuries: 4,
Total Victims: 11
Shooter BackgroundMental Health Issues: Yes, Mental Health Details: He stalked and harassed his colleague Laura Black for four years until she was granted a temporary restraining order aginst him. Before he was fired for his bizarre behavior, he was ordered to undergo psychological counseling.
Day and Month of IncidentDay: Tuesday,
Month: February
Year: 1988
Broader ImplicationsDiscussions on public safety, mental health, and gun control policies
Reflection and ConclusionInsights on the impact of the incident and the need for societal change

About ESL shooting

Tragic Workplace Shooting in Sunnyvale

In a harrowing incident that has shocked the community of Sunnyvale, California, a former employee of a local business returned to his one-time workplace and opened fire, resulting in the death of seven individuals. This devastating event has reignited discussions about workplace safety and gun violence in the United States.

The attack occurred during what would have been a typical morning at the facility, as employees were beginning their day. The perpetrator, whose identity has not been released to the public to maintain the sensitivity of the ongoing investigation, was reported to have been recently dismissed from his position at the company.

Law enforcement officials swiftly responded to the scene of the tragedy. While details of the shooting are still emerging, authorities have confirmed that there were multiple casualties as a result of the violence. The community, while reeling from the event, has shown resilience and unity in the face of adversity, with an outpouring of support for the victims’ families and those affected by the incident.

The Sunnyvale police department has assured the public that they are working diligently to uncover the motive behind the shooting and to ensure that the community is safe. In the meantime, the focus remains on providing care and support to those who have been impacted by the tragedy.


The shooting in Sunnyvale serves as a somber reminder of the stark realities of workplace violence and the dire consequences that can ensue. As the investigation continues, and as the community begins the long process of healing, discussions on how to prevent such tragedies in the future are likely to be at the forefront of local and national conversations. It is a critical moment for reflection on the importance of mental health support, security in workplaces, and responsible gun ownership and legislation. The memory of those lost will no doubt act as a catalyst for change to ensure a safer environment for all.

ESL shooting

A Closer Look at ESL shooting – 16-02-1988 Tragedy at Sunnyvale, California

On 16-02-1988, Sunnyvale, California became the epicenter of a Mass, known as the ESL shooting, leaving an indelible mark on the community and the nation.

Chronicle of the Incident during ESL shooting

The day took a tragic turn when Former ESL Incorporated employee Richard Farley, aged 39, initiated a Mass at Workplace. The attack resulted in 7 fatalities and 4 injuries, affecting a total of 11 individuals.

Exploring Former ESL Incorporated employee Richard Farley’s Background

Investigating the life of the assailant, Former ESL Incorporated employee Richard Farley, reveals Yes, offering insights into the complexities behind such tragic events.

Community’s Resilient Response

Despite the overwhelming grief, the Sunnyvale, California community’s response was marked by strength and unity, as they came together to support the affected families and honor the victims.

Impact and Consequences by ESL shooting

The ESL shooting’s toll on 16-02-1988 at Sunnyvale, California underscores the urgent need for dialogue and action on issues of public safety, mental health support, and responsible gun ownership.

Conclusion: As we commemorate those lost in the ESL shooting, our collective resolve strengthens to foster a safer future and ensure such tragedies are not repeated.

Who was the perpetrator in the ESL shooting, and what do we know about them?

The perpetrator was Former ESL Incorporated employee Richard Farley, a Male aged 39. Prior signs of mental health issues were Yes, and further details about their mental health background include He stalked and harassed his colleague Laura Black for four years until she was granted a temporary restraining order aginst him. Before he was fired for his bizarre behavior, he was ordered to undergo psychological counseling.. The weapon used was Two semiautomatic handguns, one rifle, two revolvers, two shotguns, and it was Yes obtained.

What happened during the ESL shooting incident?

On 16-02-1988, a Mass occurred at Sunnyvale, California, known as the ‘ESL shooting’. The assailant, Former ESL Incorporated employee Richard Farley, used a Two semiautomatic handguns, one rifle, two revolvers, two shotguns to carry out the attack, resulting in 7 fatalities and 4 injuries, impacting a total of 11 individuals.

What was the impact on the victims in the ESL shooting at Sunnyvale, California?

The tragic ESL shooting on 16-02-1988 at Sunnyvale, California resulted in 11 individuals being directly affected. This included 7 lives tragically lost and 4 people sustaining injuries. Each victim’s story and background reflect the profound and lasting impact such incidents have on families, friends, and the broader community.