On 29-11-2009, the Parkland, Washington witnessed a heartrending Mass incident, named the ‘Coffee shop police killings‘. This tragic event in November highlighted the persistent challenge of gun violence in America. The perpetrator, Maurice Clemmons, aged 37, carried out the attack using a One semiautomatic handgun, resulting in 4 fatalities and 1 injuries, affecting a total of 5 individuals. Occurring in a Other, this incident raises critical questions about our society’s approach to public safety, mental health, and the circumstances that led to the shooter having Yes.

The Coffee shop police killings: A Detailed Overview

Date and LocationDate: 29-11-2009 [dd/mm/yyyy]
Location: Parkland, Washington
Incident TypeType: Mass
Case NameCoffee shop police killings
Shooter InformationName: Maurice Clemmons, Age: 37,
Gender: Male, Race: Black
Incident SpecificsLocation: Other,
Weapon Type: One semiautomatic handgun, Weapon Details: 9mm Glock 17 semiautomatic handgun; .38-caliber Smith & Wesson revolver,
Weapon Obtained Legally?: No
CasualtiesFatalities: 4,
Injuries: 1,
Total Victims: 5
Shooter BackgroundMental Health Issues: Yes, Mental Health Details: He had a history of erratic, bizarre behavior. He once asked his family to get naked for 5 minutes on Sunday; he said he thought the world would end and that he was Jesus.
Day and Month of IncidentDay: Sunday,
Month: November
Year: 2009
Broader ImplicationsDiscussions on public safety, mental health, and gun control policies
Reflection and ConclusionInsights on the impact of the incident and the need for societal change

About Coffee shop police killings

Overview of Parkland, Washington Incident

In the quiet community of Parkland, Washington, an alarming incident recently disturbed the peace. A gunman, previously charged with child-rape and out on bail, instigated a horrifying ordeal involving multiple shootings. This incident has prompted an intense response from local law enforcement agencies and the community at large, as they grapple with the implications of the suspect’s criminal history and his ability to commit further crimes while awaiting trial.

Details on the Shooter and the Incident

The suspect at the center of this tragedy is not unfamiliar to the criminal justice system. Prior to this incident, he had been charged with a grave offense – child-rape. Despite the severity of the accusations, the individual in question was granted bail, a decision that has now come under scrutiny following the shooting incident. Investigating officers have identified the gunman as having a prior criminal record, which invariably raises concerns about the bail process and the monitoring of individuals with violent histories.

The Parkland community is understandably shaken. Residents and local authorities are now seeking answers and accountability. As the investigation unfolds, emphasis is being placed on assessing and perhaps revising bail procedures, particularly for those accused of serious crimes. This event has highlighted a potential systemic issue, where individuals who may pose a significant threat to public safety are granted pre-trial release.


In the wake of the shootings in Parkland, Washington, the conversation has inevitably turned to the balance between the rights of the accused and the safety of the community. While it is essential to respect the principles of justice and the presumption of innocence, this incident serves as a harrowing reminder of the need for effective risk assessment in the bail process. The focus now moves towards healing for the community and a thorough examination of the legal system to prevent such incidents from recurring.

Coffee shop police killings

A Closer Look at Coffee shop police killings – 29-11-2009 Tragedy at Parkland, Washington

On 29-11-2009, Parkland, Washington became the epicenter of a Mass, known as the Coffee shop police killings, leaving an indelible mark on the community and the nation.

Chronicle of the Incident during Coffee shop police killings

The day took a tragic turn when Maurice Clemmons, aged 37, initiated a Mass at Other. The attack resulted in 4 fatalities and 1 injuries, affecting a total of 5 individuals.

Exploring Maurice Clemmons’s Background

Investigating the life of the assailant, Maurice Clemmons, reveals Yes, offering insights into the complexities behind such tragic events.

Community’s Resilient Response

Despite the overwhelming grief, the Parkland, Washington community’s response was marked by strength and unity, as they came together to support the affected families and honor the victims.

Impact and Consequences by Coffee shop police killings

The Coffee shop police killings’s toll on 29-11-2009 at Parkland, Washington underscores the urgent need for dialogue and action on issues of public safety, mental health support, and responsible gun ownership.

Conclusion: As we commemorate those lost in the Coffee shop police killings, our collective resolve strengthens to foster a safer future and ensure such tragedies are not repeated.

Who was the perpetrator in the Coffee shop police killings, and what do we know about them?

The perpetrator was Maurice Clemmons, a Male aged 37. Prior signs of mental health issues were Yes, and further details about their mental health background include He had a history of erratic, bizarre behavior. He once asked his family to get naked for 5 minutes on Sunday; he said he thought the world would end and that he was Jesus.. The weapon used was One semiautomatic handgun, and it was No obtained.

What happened during the Coffee shop police killings incident?

On 29-11-2009, a Mass occurred at Parkland, Washington, known as the ‘Coffee shop police killings’. The assailant, Maurice Clemmons, used a One semiautomatic handgun to carry out the attack, resulting in 4 fatalities and 1 injuries, impacting a total of 5 individuals.

What was the impact on the victims in the Coffee shop police killings at Parkland, Washington?

The tragic Coffee shop police killings on 29-11-2009 at Parkland, Washington resulted in 5 individuals being directly affected. This included 4 lives tragically lost and 1 people sustaining injuries. Each victim’s story and background reflect the profound and lasting impact such incidents have on families, friends, and the broader community.